Books for Sale

by Mark Standley PhD

Amazon Audible Kindle



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Touring on Bikes

[Amazon] [Audible]

Are you ready for your bike touring adventure? Have you prepared for ALL the details of your trip? What questions should you be asking before the trip begins? This Book of Questions will help you plan for the important aspects of your bike tour. We provide questions and resources throughout the book, so you can research and find your own answers. Ready to research? Ready to ride?

Fishing on Kayaks


This book provides key information, questions and resources for every aspect of fishing on kayaks. Fishing gear, kayak gear, navigation, first aid and safety, links to social media, suggestions on selection guides, and a master gear list before your next trip. The book includes information on books, YouTube videos, podcasts, and web resources to learn more.

Interested in Workshops with Dr. Mark based on these books?


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Our Museum of Us

by Mark Standley PhD

[Amazon] [Kindle]

This book proposes families engage in the process of curation which includes listening to elders’ stories about their things, making digital stories to archive […] and keep these digital stories for generations to come. In short create an “Our Museum of Us.”

Interested in personal workshops with Dr. Mark based on Our Museum of Us?

Learning to Become an Old Man


No one teaches us how to grow old. It just happens. Sometimes quickly like with an illness or injury. Then we feel our age quickly. Sometimes slowly like a change in hair color to shades of gray or shades of bald. Whether quickly or slowly there are always surprises. Some pleasant, some painful. The joy or sadness of growing old usually rests with our perception and expectations.

This Book of Questions is designed to help young men anticipate and plan expectations for their many chapters. Each chapter (in the book) has web resources, links to YouTube and TED talks, quotes, references to books and films, so the reader can do their own research on each topic with a smart phone or tablet using the QR codes. A great way to learn, ask questions, create conversations with elders, family and friends.


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Drone Essential Knowledge and Skills

[Paperback] [Audiobook]

Drone Essential Knowledge and Skills (DEKS) is about helping students go from general awareness of drones to flying safely as part of a team, then earning the FAA Part 107 commercial license and starting their own drone business.

Teaching Powerful Storytelling

[Paperback] [Kindle]

Today’s technology allows students and faculty to tell stories in powerful ways. Not only can learners of all ages tell their story, but they can share a curricular concept, help in professional learning, and/or create publicity for the school.

Handheld Leaders

[Paperback] [Kindle]

Leaders understand the power of building relationships. They also know that technology cannot build relationships. People do. Technology provides information, communication, and connections.

Unmanned Aerial Systems


Students need to know and understand how drones can be used in STREAM (science, technology, reading, engineering, art, and math), as well as community service and professional opportunities like starting a drone business.