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Workshops based on books by Dr. Mark

Touring on Bikes Workshop

for Communities

Plan your bike tour! Touring on Bikes written by Dr. Mark and David Plaskett, is a field guide to planning a long distance trip on bicycles. Prepare for your journey by exploring bike anatomy, gear, documenting a trip, staying safe and maintenance on the road. Watch the video to learn more about the Touring on Bikes Workshop with Dr. Mark or Purchase the book here.

Fishing on Kayaks

for Communities

Explore the waters! Fishing on Kayaks is a field guide to Kayak fishing, a fun and growing sport. More and more anglers want to shed the expense of bass boats for something simpler. Learn from Dr. Mark about how to plan your fishing trip, as well as the skills to be safe while catching fish. Purchase the book here.


Workshops based on the book Our Museum of Us

Our Museum of Us Workshops

  • OMofUs | One-on-One Consultation

    for Individuals, Couples, Families

    Get Started! Receive specific training on decluttering vs curating special items, with a goal to teach individuals or families “how to fish” in digitizing and storage. Recommended 4-5 hours for learning how to digitize & curate special items. $75/hour + travel

  • OMofUs | Family Consultation & Mediation

    for Couples & Families

    Curate! Meet Dr. Mark to work through all the processes outlined in “Our Museum of Us” and review possessions with your family. $500/half day + travel

  • OMofUs | In-Person or Online Author Talks

    for Communities

    Be Involved! These talks detail the book, the process involved in curating an “Our Museum of Us” and getting started with your family or community. $250/2hr via Zoom or In-Person + travel

  • OMofUs | Author-led Workshops

    for Families, Churches, Schools, Civic & Retired Employee Organizations

    Build Community! Host a workshop at your library, church, civic organization or school. Or discuss the book “Our Museum of Us” and how to implement it’s strategies with your family. $1250/half day + travel